

BChecks are custom scan checks that you can create and import. Burp Scanner runs these checks in addition to its built-in scanning routine, helping you to target your scans and make your testing workflow as efficient as possible. Source portswigger.net.

  • Add a new BCheck: Extensions > BChecks > Import

You can debug your BChecks by running unit tests on specified requests. To add a request, right-click on it and then click Send to BChecks editor.


File: open_redirect.bcheck

  language: v2-beta
  name: "Open Redirect"
  description: "Looks for Open Redirects inside GET parameters."
  author: "xanhacks"
  tags: "openredirect", "redirection"

run for each:
	parameter =

given request then
	if `?{parameter}=http` in {base.request.url} or `?{parameter}=/` in {base.request.url} or `?{parameter}=javascript` in {base.request.url} then
		report issue:
			severity: info
			confidence: tentative
			detail: `Open Redirect found at {base.request.url}`
			remediation: "Make sure the URL is validated."
	end if